Swiss Steel Romania Brasov warehouse
Quick delivery, reliable delivery and technical support are today keys in serving customers.
In Brasov, Swiss Steel Romania has developed a warehousing platform that includes cutting services: 2 KASTO AUTOMATIC CUTTING MACHINES allowing cutting capacity up to 630 mm width an 560 mm height.
From this central location in Romania, the company is able to serve any Romanian customer.
In Brasov, Swiss Steel Romania keeps in stock some standard special steels (engineering steel, bright steel, stainless steel and tool steel). Brasov is also the logistic platform for customers requiring special products and delivery programs.
Swiss Steel Romania S.r.l. - Brasov
Parcul Industrial Prejmer,
Hala nr.10, Str. Bruxelles nr. 19,
Comuna Prejmer 507165 jud. Brasov
Tel.: +40 (0) 268516362
Fax: +40 (0) 268516360
Mr. Marian Malureanu – Warehouse Manager
Phone: +40 (0) 0731034030